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The JackPot 

Watching an older film it amazes me on how different everything was. Like the little stuff such as phones, the acting, the wardrobe, etc. But the big differences I can see between this film and modern films is that they still have milk trucks and paper boys. This was my first time watching an older film and actually paying attention to it. I can notice the little things in the film I feel that they could remake the film it color and people would be able to understand the film better and have the acting more realistic. But I like knowing how people acted in the 1950 how it's just so different from how movies are made today. The faces the people were making while acting were good, but sometimes I felt like they looked over acted. Everything about this movie I like just its so different from modern action films that really pull people in. The reason this pulls me in so much is because more than half the items in the film i've never seen before, which I found really interesting. 
The plot of the film is kind of everywhere is starts out as a normal family the kids go to school the father goes to work and the mother stays home in that day in age men only worked. But once the father got home he got a phone call from a broadcasting network saying that he could make 24,000 dollars which was a lot of money back in the 1950's but they jut thought there friends was playing a prank on them. Later that night a bunch of friends came over and they watched the broadcasting to which the person called again. I thought it was a well played movie for the 1950's. I don't want to give away anymore. But this was a really good film and it should be made into a early 2000’s film. They should try and keep almost everything the same. I feel that it would be a really good film if they started making it now. But cutting things out and putting in new stuff. To try and make it more modern would be really cool but I don't think there is enough of the older stuff and trying to get the same look would be so cool.  

With this being my second time taking cinema I have realized how much more I notice about movies that I watch. Without taking cinema I would never have noticed how most of the scenes were long shots that a lot of work went into. At first I didn’t like how the movie had no color because that’s something I’m not used to but as it went on I started to like it a little more. It’s crazy to see how much movie making has improved over the years but also how good it was for being filmed so long ago.

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